Tuesday, November 2, 2021

How To Stop Comparing Yourself To Others?

Who do you compare yourself most with? If you do not know the answer to this question, think about the last time you searched on social media.

Ask yourself which photos made you jealous and think that your life is monotonous and boring or that you could not achieve the success you wanted in life?

History of comparing yourself to others is as old as human and they have been comparing themselves to others since they knew themselves.. In this article we want to see how we can stop comparing ourselves to others. Stay with us. 

Why Is Often Bad To Compare Yourself To Others?

"They look very happy. I bet they never fight. Why my life is not like theirs" Surely all of us, when we see photos of friends, colleagues and even people who we don't know them on social media pages, say these words to ourselves and wish we could be in their place even for a moment. 

We spend hours looking at their photos and thinking about the decisions that have brought us to our current situation. Sometimes we even think it is our fault that their lives seem so "great" and our lives is "bad".

Psychologists call this the social comparison trap. There is no doubt that the advent of social media has made this trap much bigger and more difficult to get rid of.

Those moments may be are real, but they do not indicate what is really happening in a person's life at that moment. The feeling of pressure you experience from comparing the life of others to yourself can severely disrupt your life and be emotionally, physically and emotionally destructive. 

If you stop comparing yourself to others, you will be more satisfied with your life; But how can we stop comparing ourselves to others while watching their smiling images on social media?

Here I will show you some way to stop comparing yourself to others:

-Change the external focus to the internal focus

Turning your gaze from the outside is not easy, but it is worth to try it. You need to stop comparing yourself to others, because only you can give yourself credit. It may seem trivial, but it is very effective. 

-Limit social media usage

When you constantly look outside to validate yourself and your life, you easily fall into the trap of social comparison. If you want to compare yourself less with others, limit the time you use social media. 

-Find a solid source of inspiration

It does not matter if one or two people are the source of inspiration in your life. This can provide some external guidance in your life. These people do not have to be celebrities, but they may be the source of inspiration for a yoga instructor, a good friend, a co-worker, or someone who is following in your footsteps. 

Self-esteem and inner thinking are the best way to avoid falling into the trap of comparison; But doing this is not so simple. If you want to stop comparing yourself to others, you have a difficult path ahead; But once you are aware of this, you are on the right track. 

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