Tuesday, November 2, 2021

The Impact And Role Of Gardening For Children

Gardening and growing flowers and plants is one of the beautiful pleasures of life and one of the easiest ways for children to connect with nature.

Children who doing gardening with their parents, have higher mental health and better connect with their environment when they grow.

All People in different ages can enjoy by gardening, but Gardening is a special activity for children. Gardening is an educational activity for children that has many different type of benefits for them. 

You do not have to have a garden to introduce to your children about plants and gardening. With a few pots of houseplants, you can also introduce your children to plants and gardening.

You just need let them be with you and help you with the gardening.

A child can strengthen a sense of responsibility by seeding a plant in a pot and caring for that plant which they did by their hand.

In fact, gardening affects children's senses in many ways.

In addition to a sense of responsibility, gardening help them to focus better on things.

Explain to your children that a plant comes from a seed. Explain to them what is the role of leaves in plants and explain about roots and stems and their roles in plants. 

Allow your children to plant the seeds in the soil with their own little hands. Start with easier plants such as sunflower, radish and lettuce... Join the children in this work and do not leave them alone to encourage them to continue working.

Let them work freely to show their creativity and do not limit them.

When a child sows a seed and takes care of it to grow up and sees the product of his work, it increases his patience, which affects various aspects of his life in the future.

Gardening calms both you and your baby, reduces anxiety and stress, and boosts self-confidence. 

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