Thursday, November 4, 2021

Reasons For Wrong Decisions And 3 Effective Ways To Deal With That

 How many times do you think you make a decision in a normal day? Ten times? Maybe a hundred times? Psychologists believe that the number of these decisions is much more than we think, something about a thousand times! But how much we have skill to making decisions? What things can have negative affect in our decision? Stay with us. In this article, we want to examine the answers to such questions.

Some of the decisions we make have an important and direct impact in our lives (such as deciding whether to go to college, get married, or have children) and some others which are less important (such as deciding what food to eat for lunch).

Some of these decisions have a positive effect on our lives (our study in university can give us good job in future) and some others do not (the food we chose for lunch was not a good choice and made problem for our health).

If we review the past and think about some of the bad decisions we have made, our mind will have challenge that why we made exactly that decision. Decisions that we can now clearly see and remember the negative bad effects. 

There are factors that lead to wrong decisions and knowing these factors will affect our way of thinking. With this new mindset, we can increase Probability of making the right decision.

In the following, we will examine the three main factors that lead to wrong decisions.

1. Mental shortcuts that can trap us

If we were to think about all the possible scenarios that would come with our decision, the number of things we could do during the day could be very small. To make quick decisions, our brains resort to a number of cognitive shortcuts known as "Discovery".

Discovery or heuristic is a problem-solving method which we learn from past experiences to get practical solutions result to find our way. These mental rules rely more on experience and allow us to judge quickly and in most cases correctly. But using these mental rules can have bad effects and lead to confused thinking and bad decisions. Now the important question that arises is how can we minimize the negative effects of these Discovery or heuristic decisions? According to the advice of experts, to do this, we must increase our awareness and knowledge of the existence of such decisions.

2. The Role of Unworked Comparisons in Bad Decision 

How do you know that to buying a tablet you paid right price? Or, for example, how can do you know the cost of buying a liter of milk was fair? Comparison is one of our main tools for making decision. The answer to these two questions also depend on to the comparison. In fact, we use comparisons of different items to evaluate them. But what will happened if our comparisons are bad? When make decision, we often make quick comparisons and come to a final decision without really thinking about the other options. If we do not want to make bad decisions, we must rely on the logic and look to other options ahead.

3. The effect of high optimism on bad decisions 

It may seems a little strange, but people have an innate optimism that can impede good and wise decision. Part of our over-optimism is rooted in the inherent belief that We think death is for the neighbor and bad things happen only for others. When a person inform us that something unpleasant has happened to someone,  We often look for mistakes that may have occurred to that person and because that happen to him. By blaming the victims of the accident, we are actually protecting ourselves from accepting the fact that we are like everyone else exposed to unpleasant events.The problem is that we are overconfident in our ability to set the stage for good things to happen.

Tuesday, November 2, 2021

How To Stop Comparing Yourself To Others?

Who do you compare yourself most with? If you do not know the answer to this question, think about the last time you searched on social media.

Ask yourself which photos made you jealous and think that your life is monotonous and boring or that you could not achieve the success you wanted in life?

History of comparing yourself to others is as old as human and they have been comparing themselves to others since they knew themselves.. In this article we want to see how we can stop comparing ourselves to others. Stay with us. 

Why Is Often Bad To Compare Yourself To Others?

"They look very happy. I bet they never fight. Why my life is not like theirs" Surely all of us, when we see photos of friends, colleagues and even people who we don't know them on social media pages, say these words to ourselves and wish we could be in their place even for a moment. 

We spend hours looking at their photos and thinking about the decisions that have brought us to our current situation. Sometimes we even think it is our fault that their lives seem so "great" and our lives is "bad".

Psychologists call this the social comparison trap. There is no doubt that the advent of social media has made this trap much bigger and more difficult to get rid of.

Those moments may be are real, but they do not indicate what is really happening in a person's life at that moment. The feeling of pressure you experience from comparing the life of others to yourself can severely disrupt your life and be emotionally, physically and emotionally destructive. 

If you stop comparing yourself to others, you will be more satisfied with your life; But how can we stop comparing ourselves to others while watching their smiling images on social media?

Here I will show you some way to stop comparing yourself to others:

-Change the external focus to the internal focus

Turning your gaze from the outside is not easy, but it is worth to try it. You need to stop comparing yourself to others, because only you can give yourself credit. It may seem trivial, but it is very effective. 

-Limit social media usage

When you constantly look outside to validate yourself and your life, you easily fall into the trap of social comparison. If you want to compare yourself less with others, limit the time you use social media. 

-Find a solid source of inspiration

It does not matter if one or two people are the source of inspiration in your life. This can provide some external guidance in your life. These people do not have to be celebrities, but they may be the source of inspiration for a yoga instructor, a good friend, a co-worker, or someone who is following in your footsteps. 

Self-esteem and inner thinking are the best way to avoid falling into the trap of comparison; But doing this is not so simple. If you want to stop comparing yourself to others, you have a difficult path ahead; But once you are aware of this, you are on the right track. 

The Impact And Role Of Gardening For Children

Gardening and growing flowers and plants is one of the beautiful pleasures of life and one of the easiest ways for children to connect with nature.

Children who doing gardening with their parents, have higher mental health and better connect with their environment when they grow.

All People in different ages can enjoy by gardening, but Gardening is a special activity for children. Gardening is an educational activity for children that has many different type of benefits for them. 

You do not have to have a garden to introduce to your children about plants and gardening. With a few pots of houseplants, you can also introduce your children to plants and gardening.

You just need let them be with you and help you with the gardening.

A child can strengthen a sense of responsibility by seeding a plant in a pot and caring for that plant which they did by their hand.

In fact, gardening affects children's senses in many ways.

In addition to a sense of responsibility, gardening help them to focus better on things.

Explain to your children that a plant comes from a seed. Explain to them what is the role of leaves in plants and explain about roots and stems and their roles in plants. 

Allow your children to plant the seeds in the soil with their own little hands. Start with easier plants such as sunflower, radish and lettuce... Join the children in this work and do not leave them alone to encourage them to continue working.

Let them work freely to show their creativity and do not limit them.

When a child sows a seed and takes care of it to grow up and sees the product of his work, it increases his patience, which affects various aspects of his life in the future.

Gardening calms both you and your baby, reduces anxiety and stress, and boosts self-confidence. 

Monday, November 1, 2021

How To Make Different Type Of Compost For Your Garden

Having a good garden with healthy plants requires care and in first you need to have good information to maintain your vegetables and trees.

One of the important issues to take care of your plants and is their nutrition.

The plant needs nutrients not only water which obtain it from fertilizers. Fertilizers can be chemical or organic, and here I am going to explain how to make organic fertilizer. 

Compost is one of the organic fertilizers made from plant and fruit residues and poultry and horse manure.

You can make this fertilizer at home and use it for your garden.

Fourteen-day compost preparation method

To do this you need a tank with a square or circle that is one meter high and one meter wide. 

Place this tank near where water is available.

The materials you need to put in this tank, such as a layer of dry or brown leaves containing carbon, you can use the dry leaves of trees, straw or paper in this layer.

Cover the bottom of the tank with it and the next layer that is placed on the first layer is green leaves and contains nitrogen, which you can combine with fruit residues and fruit peel. 

Just like making lasagna. Continue with a layer of green leaves and a layer of dry leaves to the top of the tank.

Moisten it a little with water and try to keep it moist to 50% but not saturated with water. Put the lid on the tank and stir these layers every other day or every other day.

Fold the side pieces in the middle and the middle pieces to the side and turn it in this way. 

To do this better, you can use another empty tank and transfer the compost to the empty tank and repeat the same the next day.

Remember to control the moisture of the material and add a little water to it for better decomposition. Do this for up to 14 days and after two weeks your compost will be ready for use.

There is another way to make compost, which is exactly the same as 14-day compost, except that you can use an intermediate layer of poultry or horse manure and the blood of dead animals and the remains of dead animals, which is called 18-day compost. 

Thursday, October 28, 2021

The Role And Importance Of Education In Development

When we invest about something, we usually expect to have a positive results.

When you start to make a company that is going to produce a device such as a car or appliances such as a refrigerator, in addition to hardware investment such as providing space and facilities for this work, you need other important thing and that is capital of manpower.

Manpower that has received the necessary training for this job. 

To prepare these skilled people, Requires large-scale investments made by governments through schools and universities these facilities must be created for the people.

The above example was just an example to show you the importance of education.

Education is one of the main pillars of progress and development of any country.

Countries that invest in education from childhood to adulthood and operate in the education sector with a plan and regularity will surely see the results of these trainings in the coming years in their country.

Children grow up and go to school and university, and each learns skills at university based on their own interests and tastes.

These people which have learned everything after a few years will display at the community level. From social and economic issues and sports till art and politics and economics. 

This is where you can see the results of years of effort and investment in education.

If things are done properly and with a plan, you will certainly see progress and development in all dimensions, and if planning and training are not done properly, the results will be negatively displayed in the community.

Countries that bring religion into the education sector and do not allow education to be on the right track cannot expect development because they will find problems manpower.

Therefore, in every country, schools and universities are the most important factories for producing expertise and skills in various dimensions. If you want to assess the situation of a country in terms of social, economic, cultural and sports, it is better to look at their educational centers.

Training is the key to development.

Wednesday, October 27, 2021

Refugees And Immigration From The Homeland

Again War and again displacement! Again in Afghanistan and the people who intend to leave their homeland by foot and by any way which is possible for them! Where?

Where they can have a normal life in peace and far war. Something which is the right for all people on earth. 

Every year, many people leave their homeland because of bad living conditions and war, and migrate to countries which have better economies and security and are far from war in order to achieve a normal life and a better future.

Most of the refugees are from the Middle East and Africa, which migrate either because of poverty or hunger or because of war and displacement.

Migration seems to be taking on new dimensions, and even global warming and climate change are not ineffective in migration, and in the near future may become one of the main reasons for migration.

Some refugees arrive in their desired country on foot and accept the danger from the mountains, sea and forest.

And in the process, they may lose their lives. Unfortunately, many of these refugees drown at sea every year.

The life of refugees is very hard and exhausting. After arriving in the country where they want to live, they have to live in camps for a long time so that their conditions can be checked and they can start a normal life in those countries.  

Living in exile can cause serious psychological damage to refugees and their families.

Forced leaving the homeland means is leaving cultural, social and spiritual values and this issue can make refugees vulnerable after migration.

It should be added that not all refugees suffer from psychological trauma, and some of them adapt well to the new conditions and culture and build a good life for themselves and their families.

Living in peace in the country where we were born and with the customs and culture we grew up in is part of us.

Hoping for peace and tranquility for the people of the earth. 

The Necessity And Need Of Human To Use Renewable Energy

As we know, the major part of the energy consumed in the world are fossil fuels which have a large share in the pollution of the human environment and animals. In addition, due to the production of toxins due to the consumption of this type of energy, unfortunately these toxins have entered to our food production in agriculture.

So they have polluted the living environment and their foods.Fossil energy consumption affects surface water, groundwater, air, soil and vegetation and directly and indirectly affects all part of our lives nd they are creating negative effects. 

The effects of using fossil fuels with the current situation will inevitably cause irreparable damage to humans, animals and the environment in the near future, so we must look for clean energy sources that are free from pollution to be able to reduce emissions of pollutants such as carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases.
Energy sources such as oil, natural gas, coal and nuclear energy are all major pollutants in the earth and space and play a major role in global warming and greenhouse gas emissions.

Renewable energies which can play a major role to reducing the use of fossil fuels and earth pollutants include wind and solar.
Some countries have invested heavily in the production of clean energy, including Denmark and Germany, which have done great work in the production of wind energy.

Unfortunately, there are many countries that have not yet been able to use renewable energy due to the excellent geographical conditions and high potential in this field.
Countries in the Middle East have not yet invested much in this area due to the high sunshine and sunny weather which they have for most of the year. 

Necessity of investment and use renewable energy is increasingly felt because of the reduction of greenhouse gases and global warming and also because of the reduction of pollutants and toxins that have entered the lives of all living things on earth.

Tuesday, October 26, 2021

Corona Virus And Global Warming

How much more have you thought and paid attention to these two issues?

Global warming or corona virus.

The world is involved with both issues, but because the coronavirus is tangible to almost all parts of the world. 

Both the people and the governments have paid and are paying more attention to it!

Governments acted quickly and spent billions of dollars for research and development about it.

The corona virus immediately infected the people of the world, and many people lost their lives and many people are fighting with that still.

Researchers and scientists have succeeded to making vaccine, and slow slow the world has been able to largely control the virus.

Let's replace the corona virus tragedy and catastrophe with another catastrophe that the world has been involved about it for years.

Yes, you guessed it right. I mean global warming.

Must a large number of people die and then the people and the governments move and do something serious quickly to deal with this catastrophe?

Global warming cannot be controlled by producing a vaccine in one year or two year!
If governments do not take serious decisions about global warming now, many lives will be in danger in the near future, especially in countries in arid and desert areas. Unfortunately, the economic benefits of some countries have caused to hidden this global catastrophe and they still continuing to their wrong politics.

Losing of water resources and water stresses begin in many countries and cities, and with the melting of polar ice, some countries are prone to drowning. It is true that we all live in different countries, but we should remember that we are on the same land and the earth is the home of all of us, and in order to solve the crises and catastrophes of the earth, we must solve them with each other's support.

Sustainable Agriculture, Organic Or Permaculture?

The world's population is growing fast and this population it needs food.

Can organic farming be used to produce food for this population? Is it possible to produce food for this population in the world according to the principle of sustainable agriculture or permaculture?

On the one hand, for high production, farmers use chemical fertilizers and pesticides that destroy soil texture and damage the environment.

What do you think should be done to both produce food for this population and preserve the environment? 

Should we continue like this and destruction of the soil and the earth? Or should we produce food for the people of the world in any way? So what about the future people? We shouldn't care about them? Or we need save the soil for them?

All of this requires global management, and countries around the world must prevent further damage to the environment and agriculture by planning both population and food production.

We can use two methods to preserve the soil and nature.

One is the method of organic cultivation in agriculture and the other is the method of permaculture cultivation.

In these two methods, considering that all stages of production and maintenance of plants are done in a completely natural way and using fertilizers and chemical toxins are eliminated, it can greatly help to preserve the soil and the human and animal environment.

Permaculture is involved not only in agriculture also in our lifestyle and culture have affective  but organic is more in the way of production in the natural way in agriculture.

According to research and education in universities, it can be hoped that organic and permaculture methods will grow and develop and could be to replace industrial agriculture.

In my opinion, we can get closer to nature and natural life from industrial agriculture with the familiarity of lifestyles and cultivation that are compatible with nature

Who Can Keep Cactus Plants At Home?

Many of us love flowers and plants because they make us feel well. Are you one of those people who like to keep flowers and plants at home?

To keep flowers at home you need to know about them. The first thing is the name of the plant. Once you know the name of your plant, you can find out more about how to care for them by doing a little search in internet. About how much water or light and moisture your plant needs and how you should take care them at home.

Plants are also living things that need attention. It is not enough to just love flowers and plants, so we must try to preserve them as well.

We have to see what kind of plant we like and we have to consider all the conditions. Depending on the location of the house in terms of light, we should choose our flowers and plants, for example, if our house has a good light, we can choose light-loving plants, and if there is not enough light in our house, we should choose shade-loving plants which needs low light. 

Today I want to talk to you about the cactus plant.

Cacti are water-resistant plants. They need less water than other plants. 

You can find out the right time to watering your cactus by touching its soil or seeing its soil. If the soil was dry then you can watering your cactus.

The body of the cactus plant stores water and can live without water for a long time.

Cactus soil should be light which water can go out from the soil and shouldn't stay in oil long time because can hurt roots.

Cacti are lovely plants that have a large family.

Cactus can be a good choice for people who do not have enough time to care for the plant and especially for the lazy. 

But remember that if  you pay attention to your plants they will give you nice feel too. You should have to believe that they really feel.

Love your plant to have have better feel at home. 

Monday, October 25, 2021

A Wall Between Men And Women

 Imagine that you can not freely associate with a girl.

If you are a boy, you can not be friends with a girl freely and by your wish and if you are a girl, you are in a similar situation.

Imagine that there is a high wall in front of you at school and university that you should not even talk to the opposite sex and you are not right to be friends with the opposite sex before marriage and know each other.

How do you feel if you live in such a situation? How do you feel if someone decides for you that you should not communicate freely with the person you love?

From childhood to adulthood and before marriage, you see a wall in front of you that suppresses your emotions and makes you a sick person who has to take risks to communicate with someone!

In my opinion, such a society in which girls and boys cannot communicate freely will be a sick and sad society.

This wall exists only in some Islamic countries such as Iran and Afghanistan, and if girl and boy have a relationship with each other before marriage, they should be punished according to Islamic law!

Can you live in such countries with such inhuman laws?

Can you suppress your most beautiful feeling, love, and don't show it to the person you love? 

Girls 'and boys' schools are separate in our country. I remember when I was in high school, after class, the boys were going to the girls' high school and waited for their girlfriend!

Such laws can never build a wall between human beings. Girls and boys should be able to be friends with each other from childhood so that such issues do not become a mental illness for them! 

Sunday, October 24, 2021

Other Side Of Agriculture

 I was thinking about how astronauts on the space station move their food completely up there.

As for the vegetables, I found out that they grow vegetables up there! How? by soil less method which needs low watering.

By providing the plant with the nutrients solution they can grow their own leafy vegetables! 

This method of growing plants is called hydroponic or soilless cultivation. Later, this method of cultivation entered to agriculture on land and this knowledge now is available to farmers. 

The advantage of this method is that it does not require soil, especially for areas where good soil for agriculture is not available.

With this device, you can even keep plants or grow vegetables in your own apartment.

You can make a garden and keep your apartment flowers in it. 

You may ask that there is not enough space in the apartment to create a garden. You can create your own garden vertically and have one or two square meters of vertical garden.

You do not need soil to do this if you do not want to use soil in the apartment. In the method of growing plants vertically, using the soilless method, you can have a clean and large garden.

All depends on you how much you want to learn about your plants and how to care for them and their needs and learn things that will help you. 

Place your vertical pot or garden in a well area. Try to use plants with the same needs, such as light or irrigation, and even food.

You can even easily grow strawberries at home

Some people in their home if there is space such as parking or extra space like roof or yard, They grow plants and sell them in the market and earn money for themselves. 

With creativity and ideas, try to bring agriculture home, even in a small size, because it will feel good for you.

Farming does not always have to be done on a large farm or garden. This is on the other side of agriculture

Enjoy your life and plants in your home 

Saturday, October 23, 2021

Is Your Life Borrowed?

Today I going to talk about something which most of us are challenging in our life.

Do you live for yourself or for others? How much is important others opinion in your life?

Do you study for others? Do you shop according to your wish or others?

Some people never live for themselves and other conversations and opinions have a great impact on their lives. 

We should do what we love. Wear the clothes which we like. Our house should be according to our wish. We can not bother ourselves to make happy others. We must live according to our desires, tastes and interests and enjoy life.

It does not matter what others say or think about us. If our friend wants to tell us that how is bad your dress, let them to say. They say their own opinion and it is a personal opinion.

The important thing is that you must satisfied with what you do and be happy, not others. 

We live for our own hearts and it is the duty of others to respect us.

We must respect ourselves. We must love ourselves so that we can live as we love.

Suppose a friend wants to come to your house and that friend cares about the design of your house instead of caring about you. The Carpet, the refrigerator, the door and wall of your home! And see your valuation criteria on the walls of your home not on you!

If you have such a friend who evaluated you with the design of your house and your door and wall, be sure to leave this person and cut off your relationship with them because they are not your friend, they are friend of your door and wall or money.

We must hear the voice of our heart and live for ourselves so that we can enjoy the life.

Lets we live for our own hearts and desires, not for the joy and judgment of others about us and our life.

Live For Yourself Not Others.

Friday, October 22, 2021

The Impact And Role Of Propaganda For Dictatorial Regimes

When we talk about propaganda, the first person that comes to mind is Hitler, and Goebbels, who played a major role in propagating Hitler's dictatorship.

One of the ways that dictators, and indeed dictatorial regimes use to survive themselves is false propaganda and publishing news that distracts people from the facts.

Manipulating people mind with selected news and lies is what some dictatorial regimes are doing at the moment.

An example is the government of the Islamic Republic of Iran, which spends millions of dollars and buys journalists and celebrities in special times to publish its own news.

When a crime is happened inside Iran by the government, they write about trivial issues such as the weather or they share other thing to make hidden that crime.

Some governments use all their power to direct people mind on social media to achieve their goals.

They attack to their opponents by creating a cyber army and creating many user accounts, and they spread false opinions and news as much as they can and make suspicion between people.

How do you think it is possible to stop the spread of lie news and propaganda?

Sometimes propaganda can influence the decisions of world politicians and the international community, and they can be captured by unrealistic and false news.

Propaganda tries to turn things upside down, they normalize the oppression of the people and doing completely according to the dictatorial government.

It is the duty of the people to counter this propaganda by studying and finding the real news through right channels.

The target audience of propaganda are people who do not have accurate information and news.

Propaganda can enter the scene in sports, economics, politics, art, and other subjects, diverting people opinion to where which they wants.

In the form of newspapers, television networks and cyberspace activities, propaganda works simultaneously and as a team on specific news that is in favor of the dictator.

Try to spread the real news and others aware.

Sunday, October 17, 2021

The Keeper of Lost Things And The Power of Now, The Books To Improve Your Mood

Our good mood depends on what has happened to us in the past or now is happening. Sometimes we just get lost in our fears and problems and feel bad, while we can be more happy in our life. What do you think about it? Why are we sad and bored when we can be happy? 

Well, do not worry! We have some books that can make you feel better, books that respond to your specific needs and help you feel better. In today's article, we will introduce you some books that can be effective in improving your mood. Some nice and effective books that you will enjoy reading them.

The Keeper of Lost Things

By Ruth Hogan

This story is very fascinating and mesmerizing. The Keeper of Lost Things will take you into a world of contradictions, where someone makes an inadvertent mistake and pays a heavy price for it. 

The story of this book is about a person who loses his wife's memento and loses his wife the same day.The death of his wife is so devastating to him that he can not make calm himself by any trick.

Finally, after enduring painful days, he finds a way to forgive himself and and stay in hope, a challenging and fascinating way that the audience enjoys.

This book written very cleverly and encourages the audience always trust their creativity and make their hard and unpleasant days better by trying and trusting themselves.

In this book, you will be with the main character to improve your mood.

The Power of Now 

By Eckhart Tolle

Sometimes we feel bad because we are lost in the past. Sometimes we feel bad because we have not learned to understand now. In order to get rid of this boring situation and to appreciate the current moments better and more, we suggest you the book The Power of Now. This book is written with the aim of understanding the present and teaches us:

Touch life better;

Let's get rid of the past and its events;

Better decision;

Improve our condition

The Power of Now is one of the best books which can completely change the life of its audience. If you're looking to get better and enjoy the life more than before, be sure to put the book at the top of the list of books you should read.

Our Responsibility To Ourselves

We always talk about the responsibility of others. Have we ever thought about our responsibilities?

Our responsibility for others and ourselves

We habit always pointing the finger at others or other factors and blaming them for what happened. How much have we done the same with ourselves? Have you ever had to point your finger at yourself and ask yourself what is my roles in this or that event?

I think there is often an important reason why we are not doing well our job and fail again and again and that is "we never see ourselves".

This is my opinion: we should blame ourselves first of all for anything that happens to us.

If we take responsibility for our work, we can solve our problems, but if we always point our finger at others, then we are always justifying our actions and we see the problems of others, but we do not see our own problems.

When we see ourselves, then we can see our mistakes and fix them.

We give good advice to others and advise them to do good things and we behave as if we are the teacher of ethics but we do not do them when it is our turn.

If this sense of responsibility will be in high level in a society, we can expect the society to grow culturally. The most important factor that can help this issue is proper education by the government and the family.

Person must be exposed to education from childhood in order to be able to show the results of that education at a young age. A society that learns the right teachings can be a great help to the future of a country. Responsibility is one of the pillars of the development of societies in all sections.

Responsibility for family, work, education, friendship, etc. leads to success in them.

If you are a responsible parents, you can raise better children and you will have a good life.

If you will be responsible in your work, you can succeed in that work.

So let 's see ourselves and get to know ourselves before we see others. 

Saturday, October 16, 2021

Water Crisis And Inefficient Management

Drought and water crisis have become a major problem for people and politicians in some countries, especially in the Middle East. Some countries, such as Israel and Australia, are also affected by this problem, but water resources in these two countries are well managed. 

Countries that ignore this issue will surely find security problems in the near future. Water migration has started and people in some areas have migrated to other cities and regions because of the problem of water Deficiency, which has also affected the Population texture and social of the regions and made a lot of problem.

Today, I want to talk about a country where the issue of water has become a crisis in this country, but the officials and politicians of this country unfortunately don't care about it.

Mismanagement in a country which located in an arid and semi-arid geographical area can exacerbate this problem.

Iran is a country where water and water resources have been managed for thousands of years.

The existence of dams, aqueducts and water reservoirs is a sign of water management in ancient Iran, but how this country with that civilization suddenly become a country with this critical situation ?!

In Iran, 90% of water is consumed in agriculture, which is irrigated with traditional systems. About 6 to 7% of water resources are consumed by the industry and mining sector, and the house  consumption is only 3%!

In this country instead of managing and organizing the agricultural sector where a large part of water is wasting, the  people who have official responsibility in government always saying to people that use less water at home!

However, instead of managing and organizing the agricultural sector where a large part of water is wasted, the officials are constantly telling people to use less water!

Yes. It is right that home consumption must be organized, but the problem is in other places, which has caused great problems for the country. For example, creating thousands of illegal wells in Iran! In addition to destroying groundwater resources, the country is chalanging with land subsidence.

Water resources can be managed to prevent future water crises and tensions. This requires the existence and use from specialists. 

Water resource should be manage and save for our children and future. 

By Destroying Nature We Destroy Ourselves

How human eat everything and get benefits from the nature but don't want to have benefits for nature? 

One of the issues that worries people around the world these days is global warming and drought. Unfortunately, global economic policies to make more profit and excessive consumption of fossil fuels is one of the reasons for global warming. Really, why does man destroy their own environment and other organisms with their own hands?

Shouldn't we be responsible for our own environment? Let's start with ourselves and be sensitive to our environment today and try to keep it clean.

I remember when my friends and I went to the forest for a picnic and spent the night there, the next day when we wanted to go home I started to collect our garbage and put them in a plastic bag to put in the right place (in trash) but I found out that one of my friends took the plastic garbage and left it in the forest hand on a tree. I was in shock about his behavior!

I asked him why are you doing this? He answered me that we do not need to take the garbage with us! I asked why? He said I do not like to put garbage in the car! 

You will put it in trash not staying in your car forever!

I said how you can not be upset about the garbage which we made it and put it in a place which we enjoyed but you are upset about the garbage in your car?

This is not our environment? This is not our home? 

I call this cultural poverty. Every person with a conscience, if thinks a little, knows that dumping garbage in the environment is not good. Most of us humans know well how to talk about moral issues and explain them to others, but when we come to ourselves, we forget all of our talk and do not act on any of them.

We should not wait for others to do something right and then we do it. We should start with ourselves. We need to start with ourselves about keeping the environment clean.We must be kind to nature and earth so the earth will be kind to us.

 If we destroy nature, it will destroy us.

Wednesday, October 13, 2021

The Effect Of The Virtual World On Children's Minds

I was searching on social media which I saw this post from someone. I was in shock! The 4 years son  asking from his father that, Papa did you downlead me?!   

I think we should care about our children more and more. Parents shouldn't let the children stay in social media and virtual world long time. It's so sad when we see such things!  

There is nothing wrong with such questions from children  And children ask a lot of questions according to their curiosity But it is better to confront the children's minds with the realities of life and not allow them to be too much in virtual world, and this is the responsibility of parents.

In some countries like Iran which Islamic government have a power and don't let to talk about such subjects, Parents have a more responsibility to teach and answer to the children questions.  

This tweet shows how much virtual world and the internet the digital world have entered the minds of our children and even changed their questions, thoughts and ideas. Due to the widespread influence virtual world in children and youth life, In your opinion, apart of entertainment part of this pace, how to use this space for the civic development children and young people?   
Unfortunately, in Iran and specially in schools, because of religious government, children are not provided with the necessary education on some topics.

One of these topics is how children are born!
Some time ago, a video was post in virtual world and the report was about asking from children: Do you know how you were born that children in different ages did not know. More problem was reaction from Islamic government. First of all they deleted the video because in their opinion it was harassment and The reporter arrested also!! Such things can be funny maybe but when we think about it, can be sad!