Again War and again displacement! Again in Afghanistan and the people who intend to leave their homeland by foot and by any way which is possible for them! Where?
Where they can have a normal life in peace and far war. Something which is the right for all people on earth.
Every year, many people leave their homeland because of bad living conditions and war, and migrate to countries which have better economies and security and are far from war in order to achieve a normal life and a better future.
Most of the refugees are from the Middle East and Africa, which migrate either because of poverty or hunger or because of war and displacement.
Migration seems to be taking on new dimensions, and even global warming and climate change are not ineffective in migration, and in the near future may become one of the main reasons for migration.
Some refugees arrive in their desired country on foot and accept the danger from the mountains, sea and forest.
And in the process, they may lose their lives. Unfortunately, many of these refugees drown at sea every year.
The life of refugees is very hard and exhausting. After arriving in the country where they want to live, they have to live in camps for a long time so that their conditions can be checked and they can start a normal life in those countries.
Living in exile can cause serious psychological damage to refugees and their families.
Forced leaving the homeland means is leaving cultural, social and spiritual values and this issue can make refugees vulnerable after migration.
It should be added that not all refugees suffer from psychological trauma, and some of them adapt well to the new conditions and culture and build a good life for themselves and their families.
Living in peace in the country where we were born and with the customs and culture we grew up in is part of us.
Hoping for peace and tranquility for the people of the earth.
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