2. Yogurt (Probiotic Foods)
Probiotics nurture your gut-brain axis, the pathway where your gut communicates with your brain.
This means that improving gut health has a positive, cascading effect on brain health which is the essence of stroke prevention!
So load up on these naturally probiotic foods:
Cottage cheese
If you are diabetic, it’s important to avoid sweetened yogurt.
Instead, enjoy unsweetened yogurt with low-sugar fruits like blueberries or…
3. Bananas (Prebiotic Foods)
In order to fully benefit from probiotics in your diet, you need prebiotics too.
Prebiotics are indigestible fiber that promote the growth of good bacteria in your gut.
So try to include some of these prebiotic foods as part of your improved diet:
Yep, that means yogurt and bananas are a powerful duo of foods that prevent stroke!
4. Oatmeal (Fibrous Foods)
Lowering or maintaining your cholesterol is essential for stroke prevention since high cholesterol and stroke are linked.
The key is to boost the “good” type of cholesterol (HDL) and lower the “bad” type of cholesterol (LDL).
To achieve this stroke-preventing effect, load up on these healthy and fibrous foods:
So perhaps you can sprinkle some oatmeal over those yogurt and bananas…
5. Flaxseeds (Fatty Acids)
There’s something you need to know about your brain…
It’s made of 60% fat.
So it’s no surprise that your brain needs essential fatty acids to function properly, and you can get them from omega-3s.
Here are some excellent dietary sources of this brain-boosting fatty acid:
Chia seeds
Brussel sprouts
So if it’s not too much… try adding some flaxseeds to that yogurt/banana/oatmeal concoction…
6. Dark Chocolate (Epicatechin)
Want another reason to love dark chocolate?
Researchers at John Hopkins have discovered that one of the antioxidants in dark chocolate, epicatechin, can help shield brain cells from damage.
This special antioxidants in dark chocolate have also been proven to help:
Lower blood pressure
Raise HDL cholesterol – the ‘good’ cholesterol
Lower your risk of cardiovascular disease
Improve brain function
7. Onions (Flavonol)
Grab your mouthwash and get ready for this one.
According to The Journal of Nutrition, dietary flavonol, a powerful antioxidant found in onions and other plants, can help lower your risk of stroke by 20%!
Moderation is less of a concern with onions because they are low-calorie and fat-free. So enjoy them generously… and maybe practice oral hygiene generously too.